2022 Newsletter
May 2022
Seeds for Change
It's during uncertain times, when we feel we have absolutely zero control on what is happening around us, that we need an anchor of some description.
This is the case for many of us in today's world, with all of the un-known impacts that crisis' such as COVID and the ongoing war in the Ukraine are having on our general mental well being and our autonomic nervous system in particular. We're likely to be very impulsive, reactive, and behave in ways that we wouldn't classify as 'normal' for ourselves.
It was these same feelings, emotions, and physiological responses that arose in me almost 19 years ago, when I gave birth to my stillborn twin boys. Whilst the event itself was a tragedy beyond measure and completely out of my control, it was how my body and mind responded to that event that changed my life and how I began to live it from that point forward. PTSD ensued, along with depression, anxiety and an eating disorder to boot. Some of these pathologies are fairly common amongst people who have had traumatic experiences in their lives.