Speaking - Training - Mentoring
Sonia provides mentoring and training to :-
yoga teacher training program participants
organisations who support vulnerable people
people with lived experience of trauma, healing through evidence based practices
Sonia values the opportunity to not only share her own lived experience of healing and recovery from trauma, but to also walk alongside and mentor those who wish to make a ‘change for good’ and a pro-social impact for the betterment of everyone in our society.
Sonia and Yoga on the Inside have had the pleasure and honour of being invited to speaking engagements over the years
Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Commission “Healing and Recovery National Roundtable” - participant
Byron Yoga Centre Trauma Aware Yoga teacher training - residential teacher
Beyond DV - Pathways to Hope Program - program provider and speaker
Qld Corrective Services - Procurement for Good round table - guest speaker
8th Annual Future Justice and Corrections Summit - key note speaker
Australian Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Alliance - Recovery Alliance - Healing and Recovery National Round Table participant with the National Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Commission (VIC) - participant
Raise the Age campaign and Youth Justice Reform Circle - participant
Tasmania Prison Service - Health and Wellbeing Expo - service provider stall holder
Prison Yoga Project - Culturally Inclusive Care (Webinar series)
Prison Yoga Training - Yoga Teacher Training - guest speaker
Monash University Social Enterprise Course - guest speaker
South Australian Government “Women's Framework & Action Plan” - Consultation participant
Griffith University Business School - Change 2023 - invited guest and stallholder
Griffith University Business School - Change 2024 - invited guest and stallholder
State of the Sector (Social Enterprise) Review - lead by KPMG, Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYJESBT) and the Queensland Social Enterprise Council (QSEC) - participant
Commissioner for Children and Young People (Western Australia) - consultation
Strong Foundations & Clear Pathways2: Women’s Action Plan Beyond 2024 (Dept. for Correctional Services - SA) - consultant
MICAH Project - Post Release Roundtable hosted by the Homeless to Home (H2H) Healthcare Network - panelist
Trauma Recovery Network 2 day intensive workshop - speaker
Social Traders 2024 Game Changer Awards - intermission body movement
This short video of Sonia facilitating at Byron Yoga Centre’s Trauma Aware Yoga Teacher Training
I just wanted to say again how wonderful it was to hear you and Ana speak about Yoga on the Inside - A truly remarkable project.
Elise D - Byron Yoga Centre Trauma Aware Yoga Training student and Detective Sergeant (Family Violence) with Victoria Police
It was wonderful to meet both you and Ana and to hear about the fantastic work you do. As a police veteran I’ve worked with the community for a long time, but you lit a fire in my belly to be more curious about what I can do to give back in a more meaningful and different way. Much Gratitude.
Hayley R - Byron Yoga Centre Trauma Aware Yoga Training student and Police Force Veteran